Files of abortion, pregnancy, and hysterectomy malpractice cases in which Crist served as a consultant or co-defendant along with the Crist Clinic. Also includes 2 VHS videocassettes; 6 color slides; 30 black-and-white and 2 color photographs. Addition (2003-0007) (67 items, 7.3 linear ft.; not dated) is composed of 16mm films used by "Crist Clinic Audio Visuals" in health education programs (n.d.). The clinic also offered the films for sale or rent to educators, students, doctors, parents, and others. The majority of the films focus on sex education for children and teenagers. Topics include puberty and menstruation, sex and sexuality, sexual orientation, lifestyle choices, and sexually transmitted diseases. Other topics include abortion; pregnancy and childbirth; infant care and nutrition; marriage and parenting; and drug and alcohol abuse. Addition (2003-0118) (10900 items, 18.6 lin. ft.; dated 1969-2002 and n.d.) comprises materials related the abortion issue and the anti-abortion movement, and consists primarily of documents pertaining to lawsuits involving Dr. Crist as litigant or witness, including correspondence, transcripts, depositions, photographs, and other legal papers (1975-1993). Also contains files on organizations including the National Abortion Federation and NARAL (1982-2002 and n.d.); subject files; research material assembled by Dr. Crist, including publications; correspondence; and newspaper clippings. Addition (2004-0098) (10,158 items, 16.7 lin. ft.; dated 1962-1980s, bulk 1962-1972) comprises personal and professional correspondence and subject files (1960s-early 1970s) documenting Crist's medical training, internship, residency, and then his position as Assistant Professor at UNC Chapel Hill. The material focuses on his involvement in increased access to therapeutic abortions and health services; the development of abortion techniques; and sex and contraceptive education on and off campus. Also includes writings and speeches; patient notes (redacted); grant, research, and conference files; and printed materials, including clippings, articles, and pamphlets. Some anti-abortion materials in boxes 3-5 contain graphic imagery. Addition (2006-0098) (400 items, 0.8 lin. ft.; dated 1944-1978) consists of personal files, including medical licenses and report cards; abortion series files, 1971-2000, including general correspondence, correspondence concerning the National Organization of Women and the National Coalition of Abortion Providers; newsletters; printed material about the ordinance lawsuit; photographs of demonstrators, 1985; and subject files, 1960-1972, created while at UNC including files about conferences, homosexuality, consultation work for family planning, studies conducted while at UNC Medical School, speaking engagements on sex education; and Health Education Clinic finances. Interfiled in existing collection. Addition (2007-0043) (13,125 items, 21.0 linear feet) contains subject files that chronicle the history of the Crist Clinic from the opening of the clinic in 1973 to the early 21st century. The majority of the files contain Takey Crist's clippings on medical topics and issues relating to sex education and women's health care. Many files also refer to issues of significance for physicians running a private clinic. Addition (2011-0181) (3750 items; 5.0 linear ft.) includes research and patient data (redacted) from operations, UNC student clinics, morning after treatments, and abortions. Also includes legal cases (redacted), with materials from malpractice investigations or lawsuits against Crist Clinic, as well as materials from Dr. Crist's consultations or peer review regarding malpractice or lawsuits against other physicians or hospitals. In addition, contains audio cassettes with patient interviews, and VHS tapes with media appearances and clinic demonstrations. Use copies available but some materials are closed due to privacy.